Blood Group System:John Milton Hagen
JMH Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):JMH1 (026001 or 26.1)
Obsolete names:John Milton Hagen; “Old Boys”; 900018
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Blood Group System:Colton
Phenotypes occurrence:<0.01%
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Blood Group System:Lutheran
Lua Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):LU1 (005001 or 5.1)
Phenotypes occurrence:0.2%
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Blood Group System:Ok
Oka Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):OK1 (024001 or 24.1)
Obsolete names:901006; 900016
Occurrence:All eight Ok(a–) probands are Japanese
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Blood Group System:Colton
Coa Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):CO1 (015001 or 15.1)
Phenotypes occurrence:0.5%
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Blood Group System:P1PK
Pk Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):P1PK3 (003003 or 3.3)
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Blood Group System:Er
Era Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number) ER1 (208001 or 208.1)
Obsolete names:Rosebush; Ros; Min; Rod
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Sc:-1 Blood Group System:Scianna
Sc1 Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):SC1 (013001 or 13.1)
Obsolete name:Sm
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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pp Blood Group System:P1PK
P1 Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):P1PK1 (003001 or 3.1)
Obsolete names:P;P1
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Blood Group System:Cromer
Cra Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):CROM1 (021001 or 21.1)
Obsolete names Gob; 202001; 900013
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Yt(a-) Blood Group System:Yt
Yta Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):YT1 (011001 or 11.1)
Obsolete name:Cartwright
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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S-s-U(+) Blood Group System:MNS
Phenotypes occurrence:Blacks 1.5%
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Tc(a-) Blood Group System:Cromer
Tca Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):CROM2 (021002 or 21.2)
Obsolete names:202002; 900020
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Jo(a-) Blood Group System:Dombrock
Joa Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):DO5 (014005 or 14.5)
Obsolete names:Joseph; 901004; 900010
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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S-s-U Blood Group System:MNS
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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In(b-) Blood Group System:Indian
Inb Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):IN2 (023002 or 23.2)
Obsolete names:203002; Salis
Phenotypes occurrence:Indians 0.3%
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Di(b-) Blood Group System:Diego
Dib Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):DI2 (010002; 10.2)
Phenotypes occurrence:Caucasians <0.01%
Blacks <0.01%
Asians <0.01%
South American <0.1%
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LW(a-b-) Blood Group System:Landsteiner-Wiener
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Jr(a-) Blood Group System:JR
Jra Antigen:
ISBT symbol (Number):JR1 (032001 or 32.1)
Obsolete names:Junior; 900012; 901005
Phenotypes occurrence:The Jr(a–) phenotype has been found mostly in Japanese and other Asians, but also in persons of northern European extraction, Bedouin Arabs, and in one Mexican.
LW(a-b+) Blood Group System:Landsteiner-Wiener
LWb Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):LW7 (016007 or 16.7)
Phenotypes occurrence:Europeans Rare
Finns 0.1%
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At(a-) Blood Group System:901 Series
Ata Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):Ata (901003 or 901.3)
Obsolete names:El; Elridge; 900006
Phenotypes occurrence:Many At(a–) probands originate from the Caribbean or Southern USA
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Fy(a-b-) Blood Group System:Duffy
Phenotypes occurrence:Caucasians Very Rare
Blacks 68%
Chinese 0%
Japanese 0%
Thai 0%
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Rh:-51 Blood Group System:Rh
MAR Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):RH51 (004051 or 4.51)
Phenotypes occurrence:Occurrence of MAR– phenotype in Finns is 0.2%.
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Hy- Blood Group System:Dombrock
Hy Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):DO4 (014004 or 14.4)
Obsolete names:Holley; GY2; 206002; 900011
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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K:-11 Blood Group System:Kell
K11 Antigen: ISBT symbol (number): KEL11 (006011 or 6.11)
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Rhnull Blood Group System:Rh
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Gy(a-) Blood Group System:Dombrock
Gya Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):DO3 (014003 or 14.3)
Obsolete names:Gregory; GY1; 206001; 900005
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Ko Blood Group System:Kell
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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-D-/-D- Blood Group System:Rh
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Lan- Blood Group System:LAN
Lan Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):Lan (033001 or 33.1)
Obsolete names:Gna; Gonsowski; So; 900003; 901002
Phenotypes occurrence:The Lan– phenotype occurs in about 1 in 20,000 people; found in Blacks,Caucasians, and Japanese.
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Js(a+b-) Blood Group System:Kell
Jsa Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):KEL6 (006006 or 6.6)
Obsolete names:Sutter; K6
Phenotypes occurrence:Blacks 1%
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CwD-/CwD Blood Group System:Rh
Cw Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number) RH8 (004008 or 4.8)
Phenotypes occurrence:Caucasians 2%
Blacks 1%
Finns 4%
Latvians 9%
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Kp(a-b-) Blood Group System:Kell
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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CdE/CdE Blood Group System:Rh Obsolete names:ryry
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Ge- Blood Group System:Gerbich
Ge Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):GE (020)
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Kp(a+b-) Blood Group System:Kell
Kpa Antigen:
ISBT symbol (number):KEL3 (006003 or 6.3)
Phenotypes occurrence:Caucasians Rare
Blacks 0%
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CDE/CDE Blood Group System:Rh
Obsolete names:RzRz
Phenotypes occurrence:Caucasians Rare
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Vel- Blood Group System:901 Series
Vel Antigen:
ISBT symbol (Number):Vel (212001 or 212.1)
Other names:Vea; 900001
Phenotypes occurrence:Vel– RBCs have been found in 1 in ~4,000 people and 1 in ~1,700 in Norwegians and Swedes.
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Lu(a-b-) Blood Group System:Lutheran
Phenotypes occurrence:Rare
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Oh Blood Group System:Hh
Obsolete names:Bombay
Phenotypes occurrence:H-deficient people [Bombay (Oh) and H+W (Para-Bombay)]: 1 in 8,000 in Taiwan; 2 in 300,000 in Japan; 1 in 10,000 in India; 1 per million in Europe.